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Yinyan Zhu

Created Time:2023-03-30 Click Rate:397

      Yinyan Zhu

      Assistant professor


Brief bio

Dr. Zhu received her B.S. degree from Zhejiang Normal University (2010), Ph.D. degree from Fudan University (2016). She spent three years as a post-doc in Fudan University (2016-2020), then joined Fudan University in early 2020. She is now an assistant professor in the Institute for Nanoelectronic devices and Quantum computing (INQC).

Research Interest

Dr. Zhu’s main research interest lies in the area of condensed matter physics. She has abundant experience in manipulating emergent physical properties of low-dimensional complex oxides via multiple external stimuli, that advanced our understanding of the physical origin of large-scale electronic phase separation in doped manganites, and the artificial modulation for future oxide spintronic device application. She develops advanced complex oxide film growth instruments, that is capable to fabricate large-sized (2 inches) oxides superlattices with high uniformity, as well as the novel one-dimensional chain preparation by lateral superlattices growth technique.

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