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Xiaodong Zhou

Created Time:2023-03-30 Click Rate:462

      Xiaodong Zhou


Brief bio

Dr. Zhou received his B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (2008), and Ph.D degree from Tsinghua University (2014). He spent three years as a post-doc in Columbia University (2014-2017), then joined Fudan University in early 2017. He is now a professor in the Institute for Nanoelectronic devices and Quantum computing (INQC).


Research Interest

Dr. Zhou’s main research interest lies in the area of condensed matter physics. His expertise is to use various scanning probe microscopy techniques to investigate the electronic/magnetic structures of quantum materials at microscopic scale. The research systems range from iron-based high temperature superconductors, manganites with the colossal magnetoresistance, graphene and magnetic topological insulators. Below is the list of selected publications of Dr. Zhou.


Selected Publications:


1 Zhou, X. et al. Quasiparticle Interference of C2-Symmetric Surface States in a LaOFeAs Parent Compound. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 087001, (2011).

2 Zhou, X. et al. Evolution from Unconventional Spin Density Wave to Superconductivity and a Pseudogaplike Phase in NaFe1-xCoxAs. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 037002, (2012).

3 Zhou, X. et al. Atomic-Scale Characterization of Graphene p–n Junctions for Electron-Optical Applications. ACS Nano 13, 2558-2566, (2019).

4 Li, Q. et al. Electronically phase separated nano-network in antiferromagnetic insulating LaMnO3/PrMnO3/CaMnO3 tricolor superlattice. Nat. Commun. 13, (2022).

5 Lin, W. et al. Direct visualization of edge state in even-layer MnBi2Te4 at zero magnetic field. Nat. Commun. 13, 7714, (2022).

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