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Jian Shen

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Jian Shen


Office: Room S404, Physics Building, Jiangwan campus

Tel: 021-31244236


Dr. Shen received his Ph.D from Max-Planck Institute in 1996, and became a joint faculty in Oak Ridge National Laboratory and The University of Tennessee in 1998. He joined Fudan university in 2010 as the HaoQing chair professor and the head of the physics department, and was elected as APS fellow in 2011. He is currently the director of the state key lab for surface physics and the director of the institute of nanoelectronics and quantum computing at Fudan University.

Dr. Shen's main research interest is on magnetism and transport of low-dimensional materials and complex oxides, and their spintronic applications. His major scientific contributions include: 1) Pioneered the experimental study of one-dimensional (1D) magnetic chains with the conclusion that 1D chain is superparamagnetic; 2) Experimentally determined the physical origin of electronic phase separation (EPS) in complex oxides and used the EPS for various spintronic devices; 3) Invention of cryogen-free spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy with atomic spatial resolution and femtosecond time resolution. So far he has written ten review articles for journals including Surface Science, Surface Science Report, J.Phys: Condensed Matter, Chinese Physics B on low-dimensional magnetism, plus three book chapters. He has given over 130 invited talks at international conferences including APS, AVS, MRS, MMM, Intermag, and ICM. He has served as the chair for the magnetism division in AVS, and the program chair for Intermag 2012. He is the chair of the magnetism division of Chinese Physical Society, and the associate editor for four international journals including Applied Physics Letters.

Honors & Awards

Dr. Shen's work has received a number of awards including the Otto-Hahn Medal from the Max-Plank Society in Germany (1996),The Chinese National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (B, 2002), US Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering (2003), the early career award for the US department of energy (2003), the National Chair Professorship from Chinese government (2009). In 2011, he was elected as fellow of the American Physical Society.

Students & Postdocs

Dr. Shen has mentoredmore than 60 PhD students and 20 postdoctoral associates over thepast 25 years. Many of them continue to engage in scientific research work at universities, national laboratories, and academic institutions. 

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